Monday, September 3, 2012

Letters to Baby S. - Entry #2

September 3, 2012

Hello Love, 

You're 22 weeks old today and weighing right at 1 pound. It's truly crazy how quickly the time has flown by. I feel as if it was only yesterday that I sat with your daddy on our bed in disbelief as we both stared at the outcome of the pregnancy test. But I know that time has passed because all the inhibitions and fear that I had then has completely melted away and now I have nothing but feelings of excitement and impatientness for your arrival. 

Two weekends ago we found out your were a boy! Our son. And it I couldn't be more smitten. I've spent many hours laying awake at night imagining the kind of boy you'll be. And I know, that if you're anything like you're father, you'll be handsome, smart, funny, and loving. And if you're anything like me, you'll be stubborn,  clumsy, and talkative. Let's hope you receive a pinch more of your father's genes... 

Three nights ago I felt you kick for the first time. Well, it was the first time I knew it was kick. In retrospect, I may have been feeling you move for quite some time, but your movements weren't quite as strong yet and I wasn't sure what exactly the fluttering in my tummy was. Now that I know that it's you, I realize that you're quite the active little boy. Your movements have gotten so strong that your dad was even able to feel one of your kicks... when it happened he jumped back in awe and smiled from ear to ear. It was a moment I'll never forget. 

It's truly mind-blowing to me how much of my day is consumed with thoughts of you. And how much I already love you. Sometimes (and I like to blame this on the pregnancy hormones), when I think about you all snug and growing inside of me, it makes my eyes well up with tears and this huge wave of emotion completely overwhelms me. If your dad is around, he'll usually laugh at my expense and I don't blame him... you've turned me into a marshmallow. 

Just 18 more weeks... we're more than halfway there. 

I love you, son. 

Love, Mommy

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