Friday, May 3, 2013

4 month updates & a mini-rant.

Can I just say how much fun we're having with Ty these days?

His smiles and giggles and constant affection are what I'm living for these days. We spend the majority of our time doing whatever it is that makes him happy. We practice standing, play on the playmat, in the jumparoo, and a lot of time outdoors. We read, do tummy-time, practice our hand-eye coordination, and usually count down the minutes until Daddy gets home. 

It's truly such a pleasure to watch the joy spread across Ty's face when we start an activity that he particularly loves. He flashes the sweetest gummy grin and squeals in delight and I tell him that I will do whatever activity it is that he is enjoying forever as long as he keeps smiling like that. 

Ty has also begun batting and grabbing things which is super exciting as he was a teensy bit behind on this particular milestone. A lot of the time we have to start by putting the item in his hand first but once he understands that it's there for him to play with, he'll grab and toy with it, and sometimes spend quite a while examining it very studiously as if he's trying to understand the purpose behind it. 

During bathtime, Ty is a kicker. I'm usually completely soaked by the end of this endeavor but we laugh together the entire time. I am just so happy that he enjoys baths now. 

Now onto my mini-rant.

Over the past few weeks, I have noticed a sudden increase in criticisms regarding my parenting from fellow mommies. Some have been from friends, some from family, and some from complete and total strangers. The thing is, I love advice. I mean, I'm new at this whole "mommy" thing and I love hearing the tricks of the trade but I also know the kind of parent I plan to be and the techniques I plan to use and unfortunately not everyone in the entire world is going to agree with it. I am constantly stopped by strangers telling me to "bundle that baby up" when it is 80 degrees outside (it's like old people think a baby is going to get sick unless it is literally swimming in it's own sweat), I was told by a friend that I was being completely irresponsible for co-sleeping with Ty, and I was practically chewed out by an acquaintance when I mentioned that Brandon and I were going to try the "cry out method" when it comes to crib-training Ty (apparently she thinks that when you let a baby "cry it out" you are teaching them to think that they can't rely on you). She even told me that if I let him "cry it out" then I deserve to allow him to let me "cry it out" in a nursing home one day. What?! I try to take it all with a grain of salt because, of course, everyone thinks their way of parenting is the right way but, truth be told, sometimes I find myself questioning my actions and decisions and wondering if I'm doing all this right. 

Fact of the matter is, there are several things that I do (or don't do) with Ty that may make people these days raise their eyebrows. He has a bumper in his crib. I do not plan on introducing any form of solid food (which includes rice cereal) until he is at least 6 months old. The television is almost always off if I'm home alone with him and almost always on if Brandon's home with us. If the pacifier falls on the ground, we blow it off and stick it back in his mouth. We plan on spanking him when he's older. We plan on letting him cry it out. And he will get all of his vaccinations.

Bottom line - the day I became a mom I became a supporter of other moms. I didn't look at them as competition, I looked at them -- at us-- as an alliance. We are a group of women with different backgrounds, different beliefs, and different values, with one very important thing in common: we love our kids. To me, as long as you love your child, I'm your biggest supporter....

And if we happen to cross paths and you happen to be using a different parenting method than I am to raise your child to be a functioning, happy, and healthy adult, I won't raise my eyebrows or say something negative... I'll smile instead and tell you that you're doing an amazing job. 

Because you are. 

1 comment:

  1. Touche' Katie!! I support you...even though I'm not a mommy!
