Tuesday, June 11, 2013

a few milestones.

It's amazing to me to see the difference in Ty in just a few short weeks. It's like, all of sudden, my baby is not really a baby. And I know he's still a baby, but not the sleep all day, eat when he's up, "let's just cuddle and hold you" kind of baby.

Instead he's grabbing things, interested in everything, and wanting to constantly be moving/stimulated. 

It's bittersweet. 

I was going to save the introduction of these milestones for his 6 month post but I realized that we've reached so many, I was going to have to create a post all in its own for all the mini-accomplishments our little Ty has hit. 

So let's get going. 

At a little bit over 5 and half months, Ty tried his first taste of solid foods! I know that I was bound and determined to wait until he was 6 months old but at Ty's last check-up our pediatrician had given us a paper describing the signs to watch for that would show that he was ready for foods other than breastmilk. At about 5 months old, Ty was displaying all of the signs. I was still determined to wait until one day I was sitting at the dinner table with Ty in my lap and I went to put whatever food was on my fork in my mouth. Ty had been watching me do this the entire time, almost like he was studying the process, when all of a sudden he opened his mouth too, like a little baby bird waiting to be fed. With each bite that I took, he'd open his mouth. I knew what that was... the big sign. The sign that said he was more than ready. So I called my pediatrician and voiced my concerns about starting him before 6 months in which she made a very valid point.... if everyone said that babies shouldn't be learning to walk before the age of 10 months, but my baby starts walking at 9 months... am I going to push him down to keep him from walking? The answer to  that was no. If Ty was showing me that he was ready, then he was ready. And I had to let go and follow his signs. So I went and bought a few different veggies and made some homemade baby food and we gave it a go. 

Mmm... sweet potato. :)

At first we weren't very successful. I think Ty really struggled with the textures of the food. And I really began to doubt myself that we really did start too soon. Some nights, Ty would be super interested in trying to eat and some nights he'd try 4 bites and be done with it. I really try to follow his cues. If he's done, we stop... even if it's after only 2 bites. I don't want this to stress him or myself out. But the past few nights we've made leaps and bounds and Ty managed to swallow most of his food instead of get it all over him!

We've done sweet potatoes, banana, carrots, and pear. 

Ty also rolled over! Granted he's only done it twice but at least he has shown that he can do it. And that's all I'm worried about. I've been trying to get him to do this for months and when he finally did it, it was so unexpected that I almost missed it! He gave me this huge grin like, "Look mom! See what I just did?!" Haha!

(Right after he rolled over!) 

We're also sitting up! We're not completely stable yet but he's definitely improving every day. Some days he's totally uninterested in even trying (what's the rush, right?) but some days he'll let me help him practice for 20-30 minutes (which is hours in baby time)!

And oh, the grabbing. He will now literally grab things out of your hand, off of your plate, even things you thought were out of his reach. I mean, it's like his arms can stretch infinitely far. (Is my baby a Stretch Armstrong??) And every day he's getting better at it. So guard your breakables and drinks at the dinner table... this is your warning. 

And just for fun... here is a little video of Ty in his bouner... bouncing. For the longest time, we'd put him in there and he'd just stand in it. Or walk around in circles. Then it was like, all of sudden, one day he figured it out. And he loves it! 

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