Monday, October 22, 2012


I have been waiting for this. Praying for it, really. Truly hoping that I would be one of those women who got to experience the so-called phase of pregnancy termed "nesting". 

I tend to not be a neat-freak (understatement of the year)... and my house can get a little out of control from time to time... so when I heard that many women experience a time in their pregnancy where they feel this uncontrollable urge to clean and organize and scrub baseboards, I was like, "YES. I want that."

But I didn't know when to expect it. 

My first trimester was hard. Like why-do-women-even-want-babies-after-all-this-misery hard. And it didn't help that I hadn't fully accepted that there was this little being growing inside of me. I was nauseous, tired, and just really wanted a glass of wine with my dinner. When I wasn't throwing up, I was cramping, and when I wasn't cramping, I was sleeping. I think I remember telling Brandon (with complete seriousness) that if he wanted more babies he was going to have to get someone else pregnant. (Now, of course, I completely take that back.) Everyone kept telling me that the second trimester would be better and I remember thinking that it better be or I was going to stab everyone in the face. But cleaning? Cleaning was the LAST thing on my mind. 

It's weird because almost the day that I hit the second trimester, I felt better. Like myself again. Like, "Oh, hi, Katie... welcome back! Now if you could just send that demon-person that had taken your place in your absence to the hell where they came from, that would be great." I had more energy. My appetite returned to normal. And the nauseousness that had controlled my life for 3 months vanished into thin air. I got to finish enjoying the summer and find out we were having a little boy and feel him kick and turn and I fell in love. But, no... no cleaning. 

And then last week I hit my third trimester. And I expected to feel different the day it I hit the mark just like I had for my second trimester. But alas... nada. I think I actually took a 4 hour nap and when I woke up I had a migraine and I remember thinking, "Ohmigod. I've taken a step back! I'm slipping back into pregnancy-hell!" But as the week flew by, I realized that not much had changed. 

Or so I had thought. 

Apparently, this past weekend I had hit the "nesting" faze of my pregnancy and hadn't even realized it. Here, in my little 'ole head, I was thinking I was just "picking up". I went through all of Brandon and I's dressers and closets to find clothes that we could donate to Goodwill. I organized our "junk basket" in the living room. I did more loads of laundry then I think I've ever done in my life. I swept, and mopped, and dusted and cleaned parts of my house that I hadn't touched since we first moved in. But it wasn't until Brandon walked into the kitchen with me on my hands and knees scrubbing the cabinets and and the floors with a sponge and stood over me asking what exactly I was doing when I responded, "Well, cleaning the floors, of course. All of this area is going to be the parts of the house that our little man is going to be able to reach so I'm just making sure it's properly cleaned." As soon as I said it, I dropped the sponge, looked up at Brandon and smiled from ear-to-ear.. "Ohmigod. Am I nesting?" He raised his eyebrows and responded, "Well considering the entire house smells like Clorox and PineSol, I'm going to go with a 'yes' on that one." 

Hallelujah! And the crazy thing is, I don't even hate it. Normally I despise cleaning. Truly. But last night, Brandon had to literally pry the broom out of my hands so that we could watch The Walking Dead together... and all I could think of during the entire show was my mental list of cleaning projects I could tackle tomorrow. 

Which is now today. So please excuse me while I go clean. I need to take full advantage of this in case it's a fluke. 

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